
I'd like you to share with CASLIS members.....

A reminder to get your teams registered for the Amazing Reference Race. We're looking forward to seeing how the teams come together... through the stress of using the Internet, finding hard copy sources and coming out on top as our Reference Race winners! A good time will be had by all at Patty Boland's to celebrate and KNOW that you KNOW!

The CASLIS executive gets email from our members. Lately, they've been sending us blogs about, for, or written by librarians. Some send us quirky bits that are just for fun. In all cases we are asked to share. We would rather turn it around and ask you what you think and use this blog to share your favourites with colleagues.

Here's a few sent to us recently.

Library smut?



Web vs L.I.Brary a send up of the Mac vs PC commercial


Here's a recruiting film that is out of date... and yet.....


Two blogs I like to read:

John Berry

And of course the inimitable Stephen Abram

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