
ORO on the move

The Organizational Readiness Office (ORO), the section of PWGSC which has been leading information management community initiatives (including IM competencies and the IM Portal), is being transferred back to the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS).

A Privy Council Order (2007-1296) dated August 10 makes the transfer effective October 1, 2007.

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, pursuant to paragraph 2(a) of the Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act, hereby transfers from the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Treasury Board Secretariat the control and supervision of that portion of the federal public administration in the Information Technology Services Branch of the Department of Public Works and Government Services known as the Organizational Readiness Office, effective October 1, 2007.
Originally a part of the Chief Information Officer Branch of TBS, ORO was moved to PWGSC during the Martin Government shuffle of 12/12 (December 12, 2003). The actual employees of ORO have never actually been moved despite the reorganizations.

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