
Canadian Success in IFLA Elections!

CLA is thrilled to announce that Ingrid Parent has been elected as IFLA President-Elect! Ingrid, the newly-appointed University Librarian at the University of British Columbia, is the first Canadian ever to be elected to this position.

CLA is also excited to announce that Paul Whitney, City Librarian of Vancouver Public Library, has been elected to the IFLA Governing Board. Paul successfully competed in a field of 15 candidates for one of 10 elected positions.

It is an honour and a great achievement for the Canadian library community to have this level of representation on the world stage. Ingrid and Paul will be outstanding in their roles, and will serve us and our international colleagues very well.

Congratulations Ingrid and Paul!

The full election results can be found on the IFLA website at:
http://www.ifla.org/en/news/results-of-the-election-of-president-elect-2009 and http://www.ifla.org/en/news/2009-ifla-governing-board-election-results

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