
NRC-CISTI Transformation Update

(This message was posted to the Federal Libraries list.)

NRC-CISTI Transformation Update

The following is an update on the progress of NRC-CISTI’s transformation.

We are now well into the implementation phase of the following key elements:

Providing access to NRC-CISTI’s global scientific, technical and medical content

As mentioned in my November update, one of the key elements of the new organization is our partnership with Infotrieve Canada, Inc to provide access to NRC-CISTI’s global scientific, technical and medical (STM) content. Infotrieve is now handling all aspects of registration, delivery, billing and customer service for our Australia and New Zealand clients, as well as registration, delivery and billing for our NRC clients. Starting April 1, they will be responsible for our M-55 on site services and all new client registration. Infotrieve is also working to transfer our US clients over by April 16, 2010, while our Canadian clients will be gradually moved over with all clients transitioned by the end of June 2010.  During this transition period, Canadian clients can continue to order from CISTI and will be billed by CISTI until they have been advised that their implementation with Infotrieve is completed. In late April, Infotrieve will be in touch with migration details for all of NRC-CISTI’s Canadian customers.

It is important to note that Infotrieve Canada, Inc provides its document delivery services from NRC-CISTI’s national library collection on our behalf, and as such, will be able to maintain CISTI’s copyright regime, including copyright exemptions for Canadians, as permitted by Canadian Copyright legislation, and reduced Access Copyright rates for commercial users.

For more information about the NRC-CISTI and Infotrieve collaboration, see the question and answer guide at http://cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/ibp/cisti/faq/document-delivery/cisti-infotrieve-collaboration.html.

Information discovery and access services to Canadian and NRC researchers

By March 30th, we will have implemented a federated search function on our website, allowing anyone outside of NRC to simultaneously search the CISTI Catalogue, Discover and the NRC Publications Archive (NPArC). NRC staff will have the added benefit of searching databases that we license for NRC. Search results display how to obtain the information and allow users to choose the delivery option that best suits their needs. Clients will be able to order from Infotrieve or CISTI, depending on their account, or download the article free of charge if it is available from NPArC or another free source.

Strategic Initiatives

As part of our national science library role, NRC-CISTI will leverage the services and infrastructure it develops for NRC to expand access to essential research information and data for Canada’s research, innovation and health communities, as well as to provide long-term access to the record of Canadian science and federally funded research outputs. Our focus will be in the following key areas:
  • Working with other federal science departments and the Canadian health community to provide equitable access to scientific, technical and health information
    • Health Canada-CISTI partnership for shared library services (Starting April 1, 2010)
    • Federal Science eLibrary
    • Canadian Virtual Health Library
  • Building access vehicles that showcase Canada’s research
    • NRC Publications Archive (NPArC)
    • PubMed Central Canada (Launching April 2010)
  • Expanding access to research data
    • DataCite
    • Gateway to Scientific Data
    • Research Data Strategy Working Group
    • WorldWideScience.org
    • CODATA Canada

Research Press

On January 13, 2010, Treasury Board of Canada approved a submission to allow NRC Research Press to incorporate as a not-for-profit company. Cameron Macdonald, Publisher of NRC Research Press, resigned from the NRC on February 5, 2010, to begin the incorporation process. Dr. Bruce Dancik, Professor Emeritus of The University of Alberta and Director of the Devonian Botanic Garden, and Dr. Ken Davey, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of York University, have joined Mr. Macdonald as first incorporators.

NRC is providing considerable support to the NRC Research Press in this transition process, including transition funding, transfer of intellectual property and licencing of the existing trade name “NRC Research Press”. The new entity and NRC will also enter into a lease arrangement for the current space.

On March 25, 2010, the new not-for-profit “Canadian Science Publishing” was incorporated.  This step paves the way for the new company to prepare for the transfer of the NRC Research Press titles and publishing operations later in the year.  Authors and subscribers can be assured that the new NRC Research Press and the National Research Council remain committed to delivering high-quality journals on time.

NRC-CISTI transformation process included extensive consultations with clients and stakeholders that took place in April, May and June 2009. In all, we consulted with more than 500 clients and stakeholders from NRC, Government, Academia, health and industry, as well many staff.  Based on your feedback we developed a strategic framework and are in the process of completing a branding exercise. I invite you to consult our new website as we continue updating it to reflect our new services and strategic directions.  Your feedback is always appreciated.

Pam Bjornson
Director General, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information

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