
Event at Carelton University

Publishing and sharing research data

Monday April 4, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
MacOdrum Library, Room 102

General public talk: “Data Connections: serendipitous discovery of useful data,” delivered by Monica Omodei, Senior Research Analyst with the Australian National Data Commons.

To build a window onto the Australian Research Data Commons, the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) has established a national registry of data collections and a discovery portal called Research Data Australia. It is designed to allow researchers and research organisations to publish research data and to allow prospective users to discover the data and evaluate its applicability. Discovery may take place through keyword searching and shared concepts and entities. This paper describes some of the infrastructure projects that ANDS has funded in partnership with other national agencies and how we are facilitating the inclusion of these concepts and relationships in the data descriptions provided to us by universities, institutes and government agencies.

The talk will be a brown bag luncheon event with refreshments provided.
Please RSVP to rsvp_library@carleton.ca by April 1st.

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